Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Top Coder November 2022 , Christ Lavasa

Recently conducted a coding event called Top Coder (in the lines of Code Guru)

Challenge was titled Valiyur Run with 7 Levels of Logic Coding

39 coders participated from BSc DS, BSc EA, BBA, MSc EA and MSc DS

Top Coders

1. Pranav Kataria  5BSc DS

2. Sandeep Jabaz  5BSc DS

3. Akshay Gangadhar 1MSc DS B

Others ranked in Top 7 in order are

4. Harsh Gidwani 5BSC EA

5. Karan Punjabi 1MSC DS B
6. Keegn Fernandes 1MSc DS B
7. Atishay Jain 3MSc DS 


Create a track which is a 2D array of size 5,15
Init it to Zero

Level 1 Create Runners with speed 1 who walk one step at a time
Level 2 Create Runners with speed based on numbers 1,2,3,4
Level 3 Create a Rock(9) which stops runner in the track
Level 4 Create a Crocodile(8) which eats runner on the track
Level 5 Create a Vaporiser(-1) which travels in reverse direction and reduces speed of runner by factor of 1
Level 6 Create a Chakra(565) which rotates and kills all in the path
Level 7 Create a James Bond(7) which is smart enough to avoid all obstacles

A Hackverse Event
Organised by:
Palak Bansal, Alex Sebastian, 
Rahul Jamsandekar, Anvitha Tanguturu
Conducted by Jibrael Jos 

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