Very tight finish for the first 5 places
Parth Vora (I)
Samik Banik(II)
Udhay Raj (III)
Rank 4-10 in order
Vivian Ambrose,
Tenzin Chemi,
Talat Ahmed ,
Palak Goyal,
Pramod Das,
Dharmappa Immannavar,
Bharat Lakkur
Congratulations !!!!
World War Z
50 by 50 array where
0 is empty
1 is soldier
2 is Bullet
3 is Mine
Level 1 Viewer
(Show 0 as space and soldiers as #, bullet as | and mine as * )
Level 2 Set Army (x1,y1,x2,y2)
Level 3 March Past ( make a group of soldiers march in different directions N S E W)
Level 4 Silver Bullet(when soldiers walk into it they die and bullet can kill umlimited no of soldiers)
Level 5 Land Mine (when soldiers step on it all around die)
Level 6 Moving Bouncing Bullet
Level 7 Armies, Bullets,Mines (support multiple battalions, mines and bullets)
Parth Vora (I)
Samik Banik(II)
Udhay Raj (III)
Rank 4-10 in order
Vivian Ambrose,
Tenzin Chemi,
Talat Ahmed ,
Palak Goyal,
Pramod Das,
Dharmappa Immannavar,
Bharat Lakkur
Congratulations !!!!
World War Z
50 by 50 array where
0 is empty
1 is soldier
2 is Bullet
3 is Mine
Level 1 Viewer
(Show 0 as space and soldiers as #, bullet as | and mine as * )
Level 2 Set Army (x1,y1,x2,y2)
Level 3 March Past ( make a group of soldiers march in different directions N S E W)
Level 4 Silver Bullet(when soldiers walk into it they die and bullet can kill umlimited no of soldiers)
Level 5 Land Mine (when soldiers step on it all around die)
Level 6 Moving Bouncing Bullet
Level 7 Armies, Bullets,Mines (support multiple battalions, mines and bullets)
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