Monday, November 16, 2009

Think First

Recently Conducted a Programming Workshop in Christ College along with Rohini Maam. The workshop would not have been possible without the guidance and encouragement of our department's HOD, Prof. Joy Paulose.

The workshop was conducted on 5,6,7 Nov 2009 the basic objective was to get those students who were not top class in programming to get into the groove.

The workshop included games and team activity. Programming was done as individual and group.

One the final day Clement and Renjith from MindTree shared their programing experiences and gave insight as to how they would do the MCA program if they were given a second chance at college.

The students were very enthusiastic and conducting the workshop was very satisfying.

Some star performers were Jyotsana, Suneesh Thampi, Stanley, Raju and Infanta

Some Programs which the students wrote from scratch without any external help are

Display numbers from 1 to 50
Display even numbers from 2 to 50
Create a square box 10 by 10 filled with asterix
create a square box with asterix only on the perimeter
Make a triangle with asterix starting with 10, then reducing by 1
Make a triangle with asterix starting with 1,then 3,5,7,9 …… it should be centrally alligned like a pyramid
Make a square box like Q3 but leave a plus sign of space in the box
Make a simple plus symbol with asterix of height 10
Write a program to print Fibonacci Numbers
Write a function to insert 10 numbers into an array using scanf
Write a function to DISPLAY ARRAY Content
Write a function to populate array randomly
Write a Function to search in an array for an integer
Write a Function to Binary search in an array for an integer
Print odd numbers from 1 to 51
Depending on input (1 to 10), Tables should be displayed eg if input is 7

If a number is entered , return the sum of digits eg. 324 should return 9 (3+2+4)
Use % and /
Print first 50 Prime Numbers
A prime number is a number divisible by no other number except 1 and itsel
Program to convert your name into ascii characters and print it
Program to find the value of a to the power of n, where a and n are inputted by the user (without using loops)
Program to convert your name to long integer and print it
Program to half your name into two and reverse it eg RAKESH will become KARHSE
Program to find the value of a to the power of n, where a and n are inputted by the user (without using loops)
Convert above programs to individual functions and create a menu to call the above programs

Why do you not give it a try ? Can you do all these programs in under 2 hours ?

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