Monday, February 15, 2010

Code Guru : Revelation 2010

Conducted a programming competition to identify the Top 5 coders in MCA /M.Sc Programs running here in the Department of Computer Science at Christ University. There was a very good response for the same

The students were to code these directly onto their laptops in any language of their choice. As each question was completed the times were noted for each individual

They could only move to next question after completing current level.

Top 5 (in order) : Nibedita S, Raju K, Mahesh K, Aditya G, Rakesh K,

Rank 6-10 : Heena S, Mac, Karan B, Neha S, Leo
The questions were
Question 1
Ask user to input 10 number into an array A
Prepare two arrays(O,E) one which contains odd and one which contains even

Question 2
Take a string, Implement a code such that
All characters are right shifted by 3.
So “CAT” will become “FDW”

Additionally all words length are reversed
“THIS IS A CAT” (4,2,1,3)

would be
WKL V LV DFDW (3,1,2,4)

Question 3
If user inputs a number it should display the number in big form eg .1,3
Implement for all 10 digits

Question 4
Find all combination for 4 digit number
Eg. for 3 digit number : 123
Higher marks for better algo

Question 5
On a chess board you want to place 4 rooks and 4 bishop such that no two pieces cut each other
Rook Moves side ways, forward and back
Bishop moves diagonal
Can you write a program to find any eight places

Question 6
Modify program 2 such that height can be defined