Sunday, September 4, 2011

Code Guru : Gateways 2011

Winners: Jino George (I) , Aditya Gopalkrishnan (II), Raju K (III)

Jino and Aditya were just a few seconds apart and deciding one over the other was nail biting close
Sowmya came fourth. Thanks for all who came and made it a success.
We had MS Computer Science, MCA and M.Sc Computer Science taking part

Questions Were

1. Display Grid 9 by 9
Able to input Food (2 to 9) at any position
Able to input Ant (Type 1 and Type 2) at any position
2. Take Shortest Route to Food
3. Two Ants, First Who reaches takes
4. If food is 4 ants can smell only 4 steps away, if 9 then can smell 9 steps away
5. Ant 2 is mightier than Ant 1. He can grab from Ant 1 if he gets chance
6. Keep walking if smell food, once you get food walk out using shortest path
In following set up (Next Sheet)
Ant goes always to closest food source and moves out using shortest path
Final Level
7. Implement Multiple Food Source and Ants