Sunday, September 4, 2011

Code Guru : Gateways 2011

Winners: Jino George (I) , Aditya Gopalkrishnan (II), Raju K (III)

Jino and Aditya were just a few seconds apart and deciding one over the other was nail biting close
Sowmya came fourth. Thanks for all who came and made it a success.
We had MS Computer Science, MCA and M.Sc Computer Science taking part

Questions Were

1. Display Grid 9 by 9
Able to input Food (2 to 9) at any position
Able to input Ant (Type 1 and Type 2) at any position
2. Take Shortest Route to Food
3. Two Ants, First Who reaches takes
4. If food is 4 ants can smell only 4 steps away, if 9 then can smell 9 steps away
5. Ant 2 is mightier than Ant 1. He can grab from Ant 1 if he gets chance
6. Keep walking if smell food, once you get food walk out using shortest path
In following set up (Next Sheet)
Ant goes always to closest food source and moves out using shortest path
Final Level
7. Implement Multiple Food Source and Ants

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Code Guru : Revelation 2011

Winners: Heena Gupta (I) , Sowmya (II), Aditya G (III)

Other is top 10 in order
Charu J, Jyotsana, Raju K, Boopalan R, Rakesh K, Lakshminarayan, Nibedita S
Questions Were

1. In Zee land , they study Zaths. Some numbers are considered as Zamazing number and some as Zawesome
A number is considered Zawesome if 2109 is found somewhere in the number together
eg. 122312109876
A number is considered Zamazing if 2109 is found somewhere in the number
eg. 12921990982
Write a program to check if an inputted number is Zamazing or Zawesome or not

2. If A thinks of a 4 digit number in which each digit is unique, B takes a guess
eg. A thinks : 7345 B Says 9647 : A says 1 Zing (because 7 is correct but in wrong place) 1 Zong (because 4 is correct and in right place)
eg. A thinks : 7345 B Says 9347 : A says 1 Zing (because 7 is correct but in wrong place) 2 Zong (because 3 and 4 is correct and in right place)
Game is over if B Guesses 7345 and A says 4 Zongs !!!
Assume both numbers have no repetition of digit
Create a game where computer thinks of a 4 digit number and lets users answer with a 4 digit number . Computer should reply how many zings and zongs. Computer should allow user to attempt as many time needed to zolve the puzzle

3. Make a an array of 9 by 12 as shown in sheet 2.
0 means land 8 means rain drops
Make the exact landscape as displayed in the next sheet under Level 1
Level 1: Raindrops fall in each round but they do not go side ways
Level 2: Raindrops try to fall if not possible slide in case gap at lower level. In case 2 drops in contention for slide preference for the one drop which slides right as this is the Northern Hemisphere ??
Level 3: Multiple round of rain should work
Level 4: Make it work in this different landscape, If a drop can fall both left and right it will fall right
Level 5: In case a whole is made at bottom of the land show how the water will flow out

4.Make a variation of Zing Zong (question 2) where user thinks of a number and computer takes guesses
A good algo will solve any 4 digit number in 7 or less guesses