When I joined CMC in 1996 there was in my class Ashish Patkar and Neeraj Parashar who already knew coding quiet well and even though I had coded in Basic and Pascal, I knew they both were much ahead of the game.
Rajesh and I , were given challenge problems to code from these two stalwarts and two programs which I remember coding was the "Lift","Cross and Knots", "PingPong". Another program Arun and I had coded in those days was "Cows and Bulls".
We loved coding it and today I give similar problems to students in Christ University.
We all work in different organisations and different cities now but I am sure wherever we are we all will agree that coding is fun
(Lift Coded by Kitti, Ping Pong coded different versions by Sr Smitty , Amit, Gaurav , Jabez, Sufian)